Rumours & Urban Legends

Back in the DayRumours Album Sleeve

Nigerians are the world leaders when it comes to spreading rumours. Here are a few I recall;

The Sound of Music

That Gretel, the little girl died during the making of sound of Music 2. They were all jumping from the plane with parachutes and her’s failed to open.  Gretel is alive and well, living  in LA and is resuming her acting career after a long break studying. Plus there was no Sound of Music 2. Maybe it got cancelled after she died?

Bonney M

That the man was married to the lead singer, the one with braids was his sister and the fourth one was really a man who performed a sex-change operation to become a woman.

Heavy D

That he jumped from the 2nd floor of a building, and he died. Heavy D has since gone on to release more albums and is still recording. When Heavy D released his non-posthumous album, a follow up rumour said he realised his enemies thought he died so his new album had a rap on it that said “no, I’m alive”. We got our own thang!!!

Yar Adua

That the Nigerian president was dead.

Mariam Babangida

Now dead for what seems to be the second time in the space of weeks.

Bush Baby

I fell for this one hook, line and sinker. Boarding school. 1983 to 1988. Aparently a midget with a rolled up mat and a kerosene lantern walking around. If you could get a hold of that mat you’ll be wealthy for the rest of your life, but you could get killed or transformed into one of them in the process. I feared for my life during night prep, refusing to sit near the window. And it was no small commotion if someone got up too noisily from their seat as it was taken as a sign that a bush baby had been spotted. Time to flee.

Bongos Ikwe

That he had an affair with former president Bababgida’s wife- Mariam, they had a son and the song Marianna was really about her. Said son mysteriously died during her reign as first lady.

Ola Ray, Thriller

That she was Nigerian, her real name is Olanrewaju and she dated Michael Jackson. Didn’t she have a secret child for him as well?

Evelyn King

Also Nigerian, can’t you see her lips?

Rafael Cameron

That he was Nigerian, his real name is Rafiu Kamoru. The music video we loved so much was shot in Port Harcourt.

Lawrence Anini

Our very own infamous superhero. That he would drop a naira note, do a spin and pick it up again all while driving at 200mph. Lawrence Anini was feared as the most notorious armed robber in Benin. Then there was Shina Rambo.

That Nigerians are the happiest, most generous and most vibrant group of people you’ll ever meet. Actually, that’s no rumour, lol!

I know there are more but I can’t recall…Thanks for stopping by!

10 responses »

  1. “I love u sis! U made me laugh so hard with the “Bush Baby” one. That one had me in boarding school as well. What about “Lady koin, koin” She was the one that had heels on at night!!! LOL”

  2. Hello Toks

    I remember the bush baby stuff at school and I cant stop laughing.

    I guess u also liked hedgehogs, those funny looking animals. Hope the spelling is correct.

    Miss the good old days

    Ebun Aiku

    • Ebun you are so right. I had a thing for weird animals like Hedgehogs. Once I found a baby one at the end of term, I couldn’t wait to take it back to Lagos with me. I left the poor thing overnight in my wardrobe and by morning it had drowned in my bucket of water! Thanks for reading and love to your family.

  3. I remember the hedgehog. I think you cried when it died. Nice write as usual 🙂

  4. I did cry- possibly fake crocodile tears to show you all that I was an animal lover. Thankfully I didn’t turn out to be a tree hugger! Thank you Ijeoma for reading as always,it means so much to me. And guess who inspired my latest post?

    • LOL! Well done on another great article. I’m sure all your friends at Blue house remembered your love & fascination with animals. Remember the ferocious dogs at the senior staff quarters? Remember the night we went to call a senior staff member (can’t remember why, maybe someone was sick) and I discovered I could really fly? LOLOL!! Thanks for bringing up those memories! 🙂

  5. Bush baby had me cracking up – remember when Simon Cowell told an A.Idol contestant he looked like a bush baby? LOL.
    We had baba dudu (obviously a perv) that traumatized the living daylight out of me. I still have a very strong phobia for open doors/windows/closets when I’m going to bed.

  6. P.S. Lawrence Anini – he single handedly traumatized the Benin kingdom. Mend has nothing on him.


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